This series takes place in a parallel universe on a planet named Ressear where magic and the supernatural are a way of life. Presently, there is an evil warlock named Sil, who has taken over and destroyed much of Ressear and plans on taking over Earth as well. For him to complete task, he must find and resurrect an even more powerful warlock named Yahzeel. An ancient darkness that was barely defeated by the 3 Kings and a Queen otherwise known as the Royal 4, 2000 years in the past, entombed deep beneath the soil of the magic soaked planet. Presently, there is a loyal soldier named Sofia Hayden, a former commander of the once great kingdom named Murs, that was thoroughly destroyed by Sil. She takes on a mission of finding the reincarnated bodies of the Royal 4 that will help her to save her planet and ours before Sil can resurrect the horror that is Yahzeel. Sofia's task won't be easy! After finding all of the reborn royalty, she must help them remember who they really are and rediscover their skills before it's too late.
Cayla Korvesian
"Sil's concubine and the commander of his army. She is known as "The Daughter of Demons", for her brutality. Being a highly skilled warrior and a blood drinking sociopath,she wants nothing more than to eliminate Sofia and the resistance.""
Orin TiRosch
"A common villager forcefully sent on a mission by Cayla Korvesian that lends him into becoming his true self."